How to write an issue paper
Regent Global History Essay Topics
Friday, August 28, 2020
Principles of Marketing Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Standards of Marketing Bachelor - Essay Example (Watchman, 1985) This can be characterized as what must be relinquished or surrendered by one gathering in a trade inorder to get another thing from the other party. Value implies an assortment of things to various individuals. The primary view is the purchasers see. He doesn't simply consider cost in financial terms for example what he should pay to get a decent or administration, however he likewise considers the time he needs to spend to completely use the item. This suggests all the difficulty he needs to experience before he can get utility from the item is considered as a cost. While the vender considers cost from a positive perspective in that it is an impression of the measure of income he is getting. It is additionally observed as an essential to benefit. It is likewise a significant advertising help for associations. This is on the grounds that advertisers can utilize their costs as an apparatus to publicize or advance their products. There are various components that should be considered by the advertiser when settling on estimating choices. This is on the grounds that it isn't only the last customer who will reach his item. Taking a case of a book sold on the web - the distributer must think about wholesalers, retailers and even affiliates on the grounds that these gatherings of individuals will significantly influence his last pay. (Craving, 2003) The fundamental thought behind any value choice is to find some kind of harmony between fulfilling the client's needs while simultaneously making benefit for the association. It ought to be recalled that cost is relative to advancement. This is on the grounds that innovativeness includes worth and in this manner permits the organization to raise its cost. Other than this reality, an advertiser ought to likewise fuse an organization's destinations - what does the organization need to pick up from offer of an item or administration. Recompenses and limits should be coordinated also be cause they cause a considerable diminishing in offer of the item. On the off chance that an item is new to the market, it must have a lower cost to bait buyers. This is what is called careful initial valuing. What's more, an advertiser needs to think about geological components when setting his cost. The item may need to travel significant distances from its place of assembling. In conclusion, costs ought to be adaptable consistently. It must reflect both inner and outside market powers and these are extremely unique components. Spot - circulation channels Circulation channels incorporate all the individuals between the buyer and the provider that are engaged with the trading of administrations or items. The exercises incorporated in conveyance run from capacity, requesting, delivering, advancement, showing, input and selling. In this diverting procedure there are generally two general classifications for example firms spent significant time in channels and affiliates. Affiliates are those gatherings that assume control over responsibility for from the advertiser and sell these to other people. Affiliates may come in type of a system or may essentially be all alone. Instances of affiliates incorporate retailers, wholesalers and modern merchants. Claim to fame firms furnish help with the offer of a thing yet don't really purchase the thing. Some of them might be dealers or specialists who get venders and purchasers show after a specific charge. Other strength firms are conveyance administration firms who help away, transportation or dif ferent exercises that include
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Use Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes Essay -- essays research p
Weed is unlawful in fifty states in view of its arrangement as an illegal medication, however questionable issues have been built up that this â€Å"illicit drug†has improved the course of treatment for enduring patients. Pot has advantageous impacts when utilized in therapeutic situations for the treatment of torment; consequently it ought to be a managed medicate for patients who can profit by the utilization of this medication. Cannabis has experienced investigation for its utilization as a medication and the outcomes have indicated upgrades in the patients who were treated with this medication. Specialists have communicated inverse sentiments, making this issue extremely disputable. As the discussion about marijuana’s use as a medication proceeds, specialists have given us data relating to its constructive outcomes when utilized appropriately. A significant part of the debate falls in the hands of the administration, which implies that maryjane is certainly not a sheltered medication, versus the specialists who explore the subject for therapeutic purposes. Truly, not all specialists feel cannabis ought to be a â€Å"legal†endorsed medication, it is in their grasp to choose so. The Institute of Medicine has lighted the debate when it said smoking maryjane is dangerous, yet in addition suggested that basically sick patients ought to be permitted to utilize it under firmly observed settings (Koch 707). A master at the National Cancer Institute approved his patients to utilize the medication, yet not over do it (Koch 708). With all the theory, one would believe that specialists wouldn’t be so energetic ...
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Odyssey Calypso And Circe Paper Essay free essay sample
The Odyssey: Calypso And Circe Paper Essay, Research Paper 4 ) # 8220 ; The Nature of Women Portrayed by Circe and Calypso In Homer # 8217 ; s making, The Odyssey, the capacities grown-up females play are extremely significant. The best outlines of the genuine idea of grown-up females happen when Odysseus experiences Circe and Calypso. These two characters represent the thoughts and sentiments of how grown-up females how a grown-up female feels and how they think. As the quote territories, Circe and Calypso embody how grown-up females genuinely can be shrewd, astute, underhand, unpatriotic, and savage. Rather than battle with work powers, Cyclops, or enliven creatures, sexual clashes with grown-up females are in some cases significantly more difficult to win. These two female characters are especially attracting to Odysseus since they are goddesses. Despite the fact that it is obvious that Odysseus yearns to come back to Penelope in Ithaca, it once in a while creates the impression that he has lost vision of what life resembled with a wedded lady, a kid, and with 1000s of individuals who view him as King. We will compose a custom article test on The Odyssey Calypso And Circe Paper Essay or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In spite of the fact that his encounters on the islands of these goddesses were comparative in that he was held from Ithaca for the longest times of his venture, these goddesses and the manners in which that Odysseus responds to his encounters with them speak to two extremely various aspects of Odysseus # 8217 ; life and demeanor throughout everyday life. At the point when Odysseus and his work powers show up on Circe # 8217 ; s island, they are still in sensibly great structure. In Book X, lines 194-196, Odysseus says: # 8220 ; I moved to a bouldery topographic purpose of perception and took a gander at the island, and the everlasting ocean lies all around it. # 8221 ; I accept this enlightens an extremely of import feature in Circe # 8217 ; s tendencies. She doesn # 8217 ; t appear to want to do any existent injury to the work powers, yet needs to encompass these work powers with her supplement, vino, and licentiousness. She is by all accounts fixated on salacity and material posse ssions, and it is my conviction that she speaks to all that is powerless in grown-up females ( at any rate in Homer # 8217 ; s cut ) . In lines 294-296, Hermes is present withing Odysseus on the best way to stay away from injury from Circe: # 8220 ; hotfoot frontward against Circe, as though you were inclining to slaughter her, and she will be apprehensive, and welcome you to head out to bed with her. # 8221 ; Circe other than shows us as perusers Odysseus # 8217 ; fizzling towards obscenity and sexual orientation. This clasp spent on Circe # 8217 ; s island was a preliminary of whether he could oppose salacity from a goddess, and he falls flat. From the outset it seems like the solitary ground Odysseus lays down with Circe is to recoup his friends, yet she simple convinces them to remain. What aggravates the reality Odysseus is non even the first prepared to travel. His work powers are the 1s who encourage him to go forward: # 8220 ; What distresses you now? It is clasp to accept a bout ou R ain country†( Book X, line 472 ) . At an impression, apparently Odysseus is essentially respecting Circe’s methodologies for grounds identified with their wellbeing and great being, on the off chance that we set out to find the real story, we in a matter of seconds get down to perceive that Odysseus is feeble in the greedy authorities of licentiousness. Odysseus shows up on Calypso’s island in her cavern. From the outset, it appears Odysseus doesn’t appear to be a lot to mind her taking consideration of him, yet over clasp it is clearly obvious that he is discontent with her. At the point when Hermes shows up on Calypso’s island to give her the message from Zeus to relinquish Odysseus, he is roaring on the beach†a daylong movement for him. Calypso is keeping him with her forcibly ; she has no confidants to help him back to Ithaca, nor has she a boat to guide him in. Athena begs Zeus to give Odysseus good karma, expressing that â€Å"he lies away on an island distress solid strivings in the château of the fairy Calypso, and she confines him by limitation, and he can non do his way to his state, for he has non any boats by him, nor any friends who can pass on him back over the sea’s expansive ridges†( Book V, lines 13-17 ) . Odysseus’s visit to Calypso island, and his drawn-out remain, shows his stamp side, when he is isolated by perish from his group, cognizing he has no pick however to remain with Calypso, yet he despite everything grieves for Penelope, Telemachus, and Ithaca. Calypso feels it is her entitlement to look after Odysseus. All things considered, it was her raising and love that spared him from expire. She adores him and needed to do him undying with her so they could populate together for all endlessness, yet he despite everything aches to come back to his place. This shows Odysseus’ expectation, finding, and huge love for his place. A great many people would hold surrendered t rust by this clasp. Odysseus’ involvement in Calypso mirrors his quality and perseverance, however he cries each of the twenty-four hours regular. It is fairly dry. Calypso appears to represent womanly green-looked at beast. She realizes he has a hitched lady hanging tight in Ithaca for him, yet she keeps on holding him for her ain narrow minded felicity. She is by all accounts a little uncertain on the off chance that she is more noteworthy in excellence than Penelope when she guarantees Odysseus that she surpasses Penelope by a long shot in that nation. It appears that she realized what his answer would be and essentially needed to hear it from his oral pit. Circe and Calypso are two extremely exceptional inverts in Odysseus # 8217 ; come back to Ithaca. I accept the ground these two topographic focuses confined him for longer than some other topographic point was on the grounds that Odysseus, when within the sight of these lovely goddesses, was debilitated seriously. It # 8217 ; s the normal, dateless story of the force grown-up females hold over work powers with regards to sex.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Thesis Essay That Only a Few People Know Exist
Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Thesis Essay That Only a Few People Know Exist There are only 3 paragraphs of the human body part, which means that your thesis may incorporate all of your key points. If you're writing a research paper, you ought not focus on over three variables, you ought to keep your thesis statement highly precise and always provide data for each claim you earn. Despite its short length, a thesis statement may take a great deal of time, in contrast to other pieces of the essay. Both films end on various notes also. When you get a lengthy essay, you can't list all of your basic statements within a sentence, that's why you should formulate the one major statement. You will not locate a thesis statement generator online which can make an original argument which will not bore the reader. You should have a statement that isn't just simple to comprehend, but one that's debatable. Such a thesis statement will leave the reader wondering what type of app roach you mean to utilize to be able to maintain your stance. All About Thesis Essay Writing an entire text is a time-consuming procedure, but it's a lot easier to concentrate on the potent argument. The chosen type of thesis is dependent on your work. Writing such theses at the start, you have sufficient space for arguments. The word abstract must be at the surface of the page in all-capital letters. Because the thesis proposal is so essential, you should know what things to include and see examples so you can make certain your proposal is accepted the very first time. A thesis outline was designed to be certain that the plans for the inception of a thesis is put together in such a manner that each one of the variables necessary to the range of the study are considered appropriately. Keep revising your own idea till you get original and intriguing claims that you're excited to write about. A thesis is the consequence of a prolonged thinking approach. Thesis Essay Fundam entals Explained In rhetoric, a claim is much like a thesis. You are earning a claim by means of your thesis statement. You ought to make your argument as clear and specific as possible. In general, your argument thus far is wholly unsubstantiated. Both the argument and your thesis are most likely to require adjustment on the way. Research is an essential part of any college program. Together with that, students face a need to come up with their thesis writing skills, as it's an essential part of an essay or argumentative writing. Upcoming college students might also be requested to compose a college essay for a portion of their first requirements. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase affordable essay rather than writing it themselves. You might have heard of something known as a thesis. Nowadays you have a working thesis! Your thesis is easily the most significant part your writing. Like every fantastic book, even only a thesis has to have an introduction. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might want to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay which you will create. Understanding how to compose a research paper thesis is the main step. Focused and concise While writing your thesis, it's of fantastic value to stay focused. While forming a thesis statement for research paper, a student needs to have the whole work on hands to make available an overview of the key ideas in the significant statement. 1 important consideration is the access to material. Just because there are two forms of thesis statements (informative and persuasive), there are two fundamental styles you may use. Now it should be organized. Additionally, there are particular formats to stay in mind. The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. The issue is divided into the statement of the issue and the importance of the study. You h ave to construct a thesis that you're well prepared to prove employing the tools you've got available, without needing to consult the world's top expert on the issue to supply you with a definitive judgment. A thesis is the consequence of an extended thinking procedure and careful deliberation after preliminary research. Introduction essay paragraphs are central in any bit of writing for the reason they give readers advance details about the content and the intention behind the material. Before you even begin writing the content of your college essay, there are a few essay writing basic guide that you must always bear in mind. Since a thesis is so critical, it's probably a great idea to take a look at some suggestions on how to compile a strong one. When you have evaluated what you require, you simply should search for the appropriate thesis to obtain an insight into the ways of writing theses. Life, Death and Thesis Essay Next, you are going to learn how to avoid most frequ ent mistakes related to writing a thesis statement together with get all other relevant details. If you're just starting to think about a thesis, it might be practical to ask yourself some of these questions. In case you fundamentally don't have any type of advice for the proposal explanation assessment then you are able to check all of them alone. The next page is going to be the abstract. The Advantages of Thesis Essay A thesis outline is an excellent aid in producing a wonderful research paper as it organizes the data also. In many instances, the structure of the thesis proposal will be contingent on the topic matter of the thesis and your subject of study. The third reason animal research shouldn't be allowed is that it's often not needed. The second reason animal research shouldn't be allowed is since it isn't always accurate.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The City Of Overtown Florida Is Located Northwest Of Downtown
The City of Overtown Florida is located northwest of Downtown Miami, considered a part of the City of Miami it has a deep history with the black community in Miami. It served as a â€Å"colored town†during the Jim Crow era and developed into a central location for the development of the black community to this day. Overtown with its rich history has many building on the National historic registry. Overtown is one of Miami’s original neighborhoods, where African Americans settled in the early 20th Century and built churches, restaurants, residences, nightclubs and theaters (City of Miami, 2016). The community has seen a decline in recent years as it struggles with crime, an increase in the vagrant and homeless population and increase in lower†¦show more content†¦The area which is one of the most dangerous areas in Miami has a high crime rate. In the past, several years the area has seen a dramatic increase in the lower income families that reside there. Many have population have suffered from the economic decline of the area leading to many losing businesses and homes. Many of the homeless in the area have been previous residents of the area, with the economic decline of the area many of the population have been displaced and have become homeless. The homeless in the area often have ties to the community whether family or friend and as such they continue to stay in the area. Strengths, Risk Factors, and/or Barriers According to the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH), disease was prevalent in the newly homeless. This population accessed health care services at high rates in the year before becoming homeless. Significant improvements in health status were seen over the study period as well as a significant increase in the number who were insured (American Journal of Public Health, 2012). The homeless in Overtown face a variety of risks and barriers to their health. Firstly, a good number of the population suffers from mental illness, they suffer from a range of mental health problems from depression, personality disorders, schizophrenia and many more. Most are unable to treat their mental
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mosaddeqs Nationalization of Oil in Iran Essay - 638 Words
Mosaddeqs Nationalization of Oil in Iran The world of foreign policy is like a multi-sided game of chess. Moves are made with varying degrees of calculation and skill, and nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything that happens affects the other players sets of options and levels of risk. In analyzing historical events in international relations, it is incumbent upon the analyst to take into consideration the historical and regional context to what happened. At the time of the coup that overthrew Premier Mosaddeq, several world events had just happened: key were the 1949 Chinese Revolution and Irans 1951 nationalization of its oil industry. The Korean War was ending, and the Viet Minh guerrillas were harassing the French colonial†¦show more content†¦It should be remembered that India was governed by Premier Nehru, and moving into the Soviet sphere of influence; as a result, the US sought to bring Pakistan into its fold. A socialist Iran would make Pakistans position exceedingly precarious. The stated policy of the Eisenhower Administration was stopping communism wherever it encroached, and rolling it back wherever possible (Daalder). In 1954, the CIA would organize a coup dà ©tat in Guatemala, overthrowing the democratically-elected socialist Jacobo Arbenz Besides the imperative to fight communism, the prospect of anti-Western nationalism must have also appeared to the US and Great Britain as a problem to be eliminated. Syria had experienced a succession of coups between 1949 and 1951 that left the country under the control of Baath (socialist and nationalist) and SSNP (conservative and nationalist) Army officers (Britannica 2). Col. Gemal Abdel Nasser and other officers overthrew the monarchy in Egypt in 1952 (Britannica 3). In the background, anti-colonial agitation in Algeria had been actively repressed by the French since the 1940s; and Israel was founded in 1948, at the expense of 750,000 expelled Palestinians, which further catalyzed anti-Westernism in the Middle East. At the same time, Britains Prime Minister was colonial stalwart Winston Churchill, who had foughtShow MoreRelatedThe CIA and the Iranian Coup DEtat in 19532574 Words  | 10 PagesWar, the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddeq, passed the oil nationalization agreement, which nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) and its holdings in Iran. The CIA, with assistance of MI6, planned, funded and implemented Operation TPAJAX, a covert CIA operation. CIA collaborated with Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, to overthrow Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq and the elected government of Iran. The TPAJAX plan consisted of two components a politicalRead MoreThe United States And Iran1095 Words  | 5 PagesStates and Iran are considering working together in order to put a stop to the threats posed by the militant group, Isis. This is a big step for the two countries since just in 2013, the United States threatened to use force against Iran to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Even though, the two countries are facing a common enemy, Iraq; this does not reduce the tension that the U.S and Iran have towards each other. For 60 years, the U.S. had a tumultuous relationship with Iran. From the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essays Solution free essay sample
If the YTM = coupon rate the bond will sell for the face value (i. e. current price = face value). ?If the YTM gt; coupon rate the bond will sell for a discount (yield goes up, price goes down). If the YTM lt; coupon rate the bond will sell for a premium (yield goes down, price goes up). Discussion 1. Identify the three most important determinants of the price of a bond. Describe the effect of each? Answer The three factors affecting the price of a bond are coupon yield term to maturity. We will write a custom essay sample on Essays Solution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page T gt; The relationship between price and coupon is a direct one the higher the coupon, the higher the price. The relationship between price and yield is an inverse one the higher the yield the lower the price, all other factors held constant. The relationship between price and maturity is not so clearly evident. Price changes resulting from changes in yields will be more pronounced, the longer the term to maturity. 2. Given a change in the level of interest rates, discuss how two major factors will influence the relative change in price of individual bonds. Answer For a given change in the level of interest rates, two factors that will influence the relative change in bond prices are the coupon and maturity of the issues. Bonds with longer maturity and/or lower coupons will have the greatest price changes in response to a given change in interest rates. Other factors likewise cause differences in price volatility, including the call features, but these factors are typically much less important. 3. What is the purpose of bond ratings? Answer Bond ratings provide a very important service in the market for fixed income securities because they provide the fundamental analysis for thousands of issues. The rating agencies conduct extensive analyses of the intrinsic characteristics of the issue to determine the default risk for the investor and inform the market of the analyses through their ratings. 4. What are the important assumptions made when you calculate the promised YTM? Answer The most crucial assumption that the investor makes is that cash flows will be received in full (i. e. investors hold the bond to maturity) and reinvested at the promised yield. 5. You expect interest rates to decline over the next 6 months. What kind of bonds do you want in your portfolios in term of duration and explain your reasoning for this choice. Answer Given that you expect interest rates to decline during the next six months, you should choose bonds that will have the largest price increase, that is, bonds with long durations. 6. Which of the following bonds will have the greatest percentage increase in value if all interest rates decrease by 1 percent? a. 20-year, zero coupon bond. b. 10-year, zero coupon bond. c. 20-year, 10 percent coupon bond. d. 20-year, 5 percent coupon bond. Answer Since a zero coupon bond’s price today is determined just by the NPV of its par value, all of its payment is discounted for the maximum amount of time, whereas a coupon bond has many payments discounted for less than the maximum amount of time. Therefore, a zero coupon bond is most affected by interest rate changes. So, the longest zero coupon bond is the correct answer, which is statement a. 7. Which of the following statements is most correct? a. All else equal, long-term bonds have more interest rate risk than short-term bonds. b. All else equal, high-coupon bonds have less reinvestment rate risk than low-coupon bonds. . All else equal, short-term bonds have less reinvestment rate risk than do long-term bonds. d. All of the statements above are correct. Answer Statement a since high-coupon bonds have more reinvestment rate risk than low-coupon bonds and short-term bonds have more reinvestment rate risk than do long-term bonds. Problems 1. Two years ago you bought a governme nt bond for $1,000 because you liked the 10% p. a. coupon interest payment that you would receive for 10 years. Interest on the bond is paid annually. Two years later, when the market interest rate has fallen to 8% p. a. what is the value of your bond? Solution Since coupon rate is 10% and YTM has fallen to 8%, it must be the case that the price of this bond has increased (remembering the inverse relationship between bond price and yield). 2. The Morgan Corporation has two different bonds currently outstanding. Bond M has a face value of $20,000 and matures in 20 years. The bond makes no payments for the first six years, then payS $800 every six months over the subsequently eight years, and finally pays $1,000 every six months over the last 6 years. Bond N also has a face value of $20,000 and a maturity of 20 years; it makes no coupon payments over the life of the bond. If the required return on both these bond is 8 percent compounded semiannually, what is the current price of bond M? and bond N? Solution The price of any bond (or financial instrument) is the PV of the future cash flows. Even though Bond M makes different coupons payments, to find the price of the bond, we just find the PV of the cash flows. The PV of the cash flows for Bond M is: PM = $800(PVIFA4%,n=16)(PVIF4%,n=12) + $1,000(PVIFA4%,1n=2)(PVIF4%,n=28) + $20,000(PVIF4%,n=40) PM = $13,117. 88 Notice that for the coupon payments of $800, we found the PVA for the coupon payments, and then discounted the lump sum back to today. Bond N is a zero coupon bond with a $20,000 par value; therefore, the price of the bond is the PV of the par, or: PN = $20,000(PVIF4%,40) = $4,165. 78 3. Bond P is a premium bond with a 9 percent coupon. Bond D is a 5 percent coupon bond currently selling at a discount. Both bonds make annual payments, have a YTM of 7 percent, and have five years to maturity. What is the current yield for bond P? for bond D? if interest rates remain unchanged, what is the expected capital gains yield over the next year for bond P? for bond D? Explain your answers and the interrelationship among the various types of yields. Solution To find the capital gains yield and the current yield, we need to find the price of the bond. The current price of Bond P and the price of Bond P in one year is: P:P0 = $90(PVIFA7%,5) + $1,000(PVIF7%,5) = $1,082. 00 P1 = $90(PVIFA7%,4) + $1,000(PVIF7%,4) = $1,067. 74 Current yield = $90 / $1,082. 00 = . 0832 or 8. 32% The capital gains yield is: Capital gains yield = (New price – Original price) / Original price Capital gains yield = ($1,067. 74 – 1,082. 00) / $1,082. 00 = –0. 0132 or –1. 32% The current price of Bond D and the price of Bond D in one year is: D:P0 = $50(PVIFA7%,5) + $1,000(PVIF7%,5) = $918. 00 P1 = $50(PVIFA7%,4) + $1,000(PVIF7%,4) = $932. 26 Current yield = $50 / $918. 00 = 0. 0545 or 5. 45% Capital gains yield = ($932. 26 – 918. 00) / $918. 00 = 0. 0155 or 1. 55% All else held constant, premium bonds pay a high current income while having price depreciation as maturity nears; discount bonds pay a lower current income but have price appreciation as maturity nears. For either bond, the total return is still 7%, but this return is distributed differently between current income and capital gains.
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